Alice Slater
Alice Slater grew up in Islington, London, but her spiritual home has always been Camden. She studied creative writing at both MMU and UEA before returning to her hometown to sell books, pour pints and write. She is the Assistant Editor of DrunkenWerewolf, a music blog and magazine, and writes book reviews for Female Flare. Her fiction has appeared in Pank, The Rusty Nail, Thick Jam and the forthcoming Seek It: Writers and Artists Do Sleep anthology by Red Claw Press. Her work was also shortlisted for the Bridport Prize in 2010, longlisted for the Lightship International Prize and highly commended by Fleeting’s Best Short Writing in the World in 2011. She is currently completing her first novel, a missing persons thriller set in Crewe. Find out more at A Cage In Search Of A Bird.